What protein means, or what are proteins?
Proteins are most essential but very complex substances and needed for life to perform, they
are everywhere in all living species, from bacterias to plants, animals, and also humans, so from
layman, terms you can say life can not exist without them, or in other words, they are life. Our
the body is full of them, or best we can say we are made out of proteins,(1)
What they are made of?
These very complex bio-molecules are made of units, called amino acids, sometimes depending
on type of protein, these units can be from 2-to-few thousands, so for all said and done these
proteins are made of from other biomolecule units called amino acids, in very laymen terms
these proteins are made out of building blocks called amino acids.(2)
What are amino acids?
You can say they are building blocks of life or in other words proteins, our whole life is
functioning just because of them, hormones.,enzymes, antibodies almost all protein
biomolecules are made out of them, and maybe they are the most important bio-material
from which our body is making,(3)
From where this word protein comes from?
In the early 19-th century, a Swedish scientist Berzelius gave this word, protein,
in exactly1838, from the greek word proteios, whose exact meaning is
holding first place means substances that are species-specific ,(4)
Proteins are very specific
-function specific
Where proteins are produced?
Only and only plants have the capacity to produce proteins, and this protein is produced
by a very famous process called photosynthesis, where carbon dioxide from air and
water, nitrogen, sulfur comes from the soil and of course energy from sun-light, that
what only plants needs and in turn, they convert this all to proteins, which is needed by
animals and humans for their life
So, in all only plants produces these proteins which go to animals because they eat
plants and they give milk and meat to humans
Some times these plants are also used by humans as food that's what is the topic of this
blog and we are going to address this in detail in further posts.
What is photosynthesis?
In layman terms its name of a process by which plant produces proteins for us,or in other
term food for us, what plants need carbon. nitrogen, oxygen,sulphur which comes from
soil and air and energy from sun and what they give us from this process is food.,so you
can say this is the process which makes life to exist on planet earth, apart from any activity
whatever going on earth this is most and most important process of nature
Why proteins are so important?
This signal family of organic substances, on which our life depends on, the human body
its growth,its development,its function almost all aspects of day to day function or entirely
depends on this protein, so we just can not think without them
let's see
From where this protein comes to humans?
Proteins come from meat which comes from animals, also from milk, eggs, and some
proteins also come from grains, seeds, nuts, fruits that are all from plants, there is also
a small population that does not eat meat, we call them vegetarians and vegans, and for
them, the only source of proteins are plants, and this blog is mostly dedicated to them
and we can say its all about vegetarians protein or the proteins which can be best for
vegetarians and vegans
What are our objectives?
So., in this blog, plant source of protein, we are discussing all possible aspects
about, best plant proteins, and problems and solutions for those who are for some
reasons do not eat meat, means for vegans, vegetarians, this is the only objective
we have and will try to do our best, and we hope our this effort will help someone
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