Type of proteins

How many types of proteins are there? 

In a very broad sense, there are only two types

Animal proteins
Plant proteins

Are these proteins are different?

Animal proteins there are not much difference most of them are very much similar while
plant proteins have a lot of variations, means in some proteins some typical amino acid is
more and in some other cases some typical amino acid may be missing,. this variation
also provides a lot of adjustment possibilities, which meat proteins do not provide,(1)

What is a complete protein?

Complete proteins are which can provide the most important 9-amino acids to the body and
in this big winner is animal proteins, most of them are complete proteins, while it is not
so in the case of plant proteins, more often one amino acid may be missing or more
in amounts,(2)
-example of complete proteins are, meat, poultry, fish, eggs, milk, and cheese

What are in-complete proteins?

In-complete proteins mean something missing, some amino acid may be missing
most of the plant proteins come in this category, but still, in plant proteins there are
some examples of complete proteins they are
-quinoa, buckwheat, and soy
lets see
                   essential amino acids

What are these 9-essential amino acids?

In 20- very important amino acids, the body can not make the 9-amino acids by itself
for them, it has to totally depend on the food what we eat, so they become still
most important or in other words most needed, these are also called essential
amino acids, so let's see what they are and what are the functions,(3)

Phenylalanine - in neurotransmitter, and production of other amino acids
Valine-muscle growth and energy production
Threonine- fat metabolism and immune function
Leucine-regulate blood sugar levels, growth hormone
Isoleucine-immune function, hemoglobin production
Lysine-immune function, production of energy, collagen
Methionine-tissue growth, absorption of zinc, selenium
Histidine-immune function,sexual function,nerve cells

when we have to look for plant proteins, at that time we have to make sure that
 supply of these 9-essential amino acids should be maintained and that's what
 we are going to address in this blog, plant source of proteins,(4)

The plants offers very vast varieties of proteins, they are different not only from the
number of amino acids and amounts they have but also gives a possible
opportunity to treat our body with a very rare type of amino acids compositions
which is just not true in the case of animal proteins most of them are almost
very much the same type, also more often animal proteins are the very dense type
then plant proteins

Another point of the major difference is that plant protein often combined with other
very rare bio-molecules, like antioxidants, which is not going to happen with animal
 proteins, and for those benefits even meat-eaters also have to take plant proteins
time to time

So, in this blog, Plant Source of Proteins we are examining all possible facts and also 
what best what we can offer to those who are vegetarians and vegans, so be with us and
try to explore the world of plant proteins and why its just so unique


The Information Which Can Be Helpful To You

-Your morning starts with COFFEE or TEA, why not just think of starting it
 with MATCHA which is much more healthy, and if you want to know more
 about it, then please visit our blog MATCHA FACTS

-Who does not want to be more smarter, more ahead in completion and
 for all these, you need a sharper brain for all this why not visit our

-Very few people aware of the possibility that food what they eat
  every day can create some adverse situation for them, and for this
  why not visit our blog GLUTEN-FREE DIET 

-If you want to maintain your weight or want to shed your extra few
 kgs, then visit our blog KETOGENIC DIET FACT

-Hair Fall is a difficult stressful situation, and we are providing
  a best possible solution for this hair fall management, so if you
  are interested, then why not get benefits from our blog 


Why plant proteins

 Why we really need plant proteins?

We have a lot of, and different type of proteins available, most easily manageable form of
proteins are animal proteins, beef, pork, lambs, chickens, fishes are the most popular forms
apart from all this, we have dairy products, milk,yogurt, cheese, and also don't forget eggs
all these are very rich in proteins, then still why we are looking towards plants,(1)

The answer of this is not so straightforward, its really complex

-fist of all we don't have enough of these animal proteins to feed a very huge population
-in number of countries the affordability is so poor that in spite of someones liking he or her
  can not afford them
-some percentage of populations, although its very small percentage, does not like to eat this
 meat and even dairy products, because of whatever reason. we call them
 vegetarians and vegans
-some people do not go for meat because of some health complexions
-some people want to identify themself with the new trend for nonmeat foods

So, as you see whether you like or not, we have to depend on plants for this day-today
supply of proteins
let's see

                    why plant proteins

Where do plants stand for this protein supply?

Although we call it animal protein but the hidden fact is it comes from the plants
with little indirect way, plants provide us grains, millets, seeds, nuts, fruits and 
these all are a very good source of proteins, and actually today this makes a very
staple foodchain for the world,(2)

Does plant protein is inferior then animal protein?

Its a total myth, in fact, whatever animal protein we think it only comes when that animal
takes some plant products as its food, so where this question of inferiorness comes from
some of this myth are created in society which claims that meat-eaters have better body
and brain both, but scientifically we are only talking about a supply of 20-essential units.
and they can come from any protein source, whether it is plant or meat,(3),(4)

So, as you see there is a lot of myth, in our society and this confusion that only meat-eaters
are blessed with better body and brain, we have to address it very scientifically and that
the reason this blog, plant source of protein is made to address the problems of vegetarians
and vegans and we will provide the best


The Information Which Can Be Helpful To You

-your morning starts with COFFEE or TEA, why not just think of starting it
 with MATCHA which is much more healthy, and if you want to know more
 about it, then please visit our blog MATCHA FACTS

-who does not want to be more smarter, more ahead in completion and
 for all these, you need a sharper brain for all this why not visit our

-Very few people aware of the possibility that food what they eat
  every day can create some adverse situation for them, and for this
  why not visit our blog GLUTEN-FREE DIET 

-If you want to maintain your weight or want to shed your extra few
 kgs, then visit our blog KETOGENIC DIET FACT

-Hair Fall is a difficult stressful situation, and we are providing
  a best possible solution for this hair fall management, so if you
  are interested, then why not get benefits from our blog 


What do proteins do

What proteins exactly do?

They do most of their work in the cell, in a very broad sense, they are extremely, and most necessary biomolecules, which are responsible for structure, function, development, growth, and regulation of most of the body functions, they exist in all parts fo cells, tissues, organs, and their role is most critical for the human body,(1) 

They are present in cells in the very abundance

The human cell may have more than 1-billion, different types of proteins, where bacteria that can not be seen by eyes normally contains more than 2-million proteins, so you can just think of how complex the situation is, we are dealing with a very large number, at the same times very complex molecules,(2)

There is so much difference in proteins, because of what?

As we already said they are made out of building blocks we call them amino acids, at least for humans 20-these units are necessary units, we call them necessary amino acids, but how they are placed makes all difference,. so this difference is because of,(3)

-amounts, which type of unit, in what amounts
-sequence, means in what order they are combined

this makes every protein to be different, and as it is different, it becomes very special and becomes suitable for some very  specific function of the body., and this makes them very unique

What are their roles in the human body?

Although their role is very complex and from that complex role they are involved in 
 almost all functions of the body, but to make it more clear we are addressing some
 major roles,(4)


These are very specific proteins, which are supposed to bind with foreign invaders such as
viruses, bacterias etc, and thus, in the end, protect our body


Again these are very specific proteins, which carry out, manage, regulate thousands of
 biochemical processes going on at the cell level


These are also called, messenger proteins, and as the name says there job is to 
communicate between the cells, tissues, organs, etc


These proteins contribute to the maintenance of body structure, mainly muscles, which
are involved in movements


These proteins  transport very key biomaterials, in bioprocesses, which are going
on in the body


They also act as a storehouse for the body needs whether it is for the purpose of
energy or for other most important functions 
let's see

                    what do proteins do

As you have seen proteins are very important for the body, any deficiency,if it happens
it will lead to undesired consequences, and whatever the case is, this should not be allowed
Most of the people get these proteins from the food they eat and as animal meat is very
rich in protein, we don't expect any unwanted situation
But there is some percentage of the population who does not want to eat meat, in poor
countries, this can be because of affordability problem, also from new trends even in
advanced countries people are turning towards non-meat foods, so what best option
we can provide
Keeping all this in mind, we have thought of generating this blog where you will get  all
very minute details, in this blog, plant source of proteins, we are going to address
what best you can get from the plant source in  this area of proteins


The Information Which Can Be Helpful To You

-Your morning starts with COFFEE or TEA, why not just think of starting it
 with MATCHA which is much more healthy, and if you want to know more
 about it, then please visit our blog MATCHA FACTS

-Who does not want to be more smarter, more ahead in completion and
 for all these, you need a sharper brain for all this why not visit our

-Very few people aware of the possibility that food what they eat
  every day can create some adverse situation for them, and for this
  why not visit our blog GLUTEN-FREE DIET 

-If you want to maintain your weight or want to shed your extra few
 kgs, then visit our blog KETOGENIC DIET FACT

-Hair Fall is a difficult stressful situation, and we are providing
  a best possible solution for this hair fall management, so if you
  are interested, then why not get benefits from our blog 


About Proteins

 What protein means, or what are proteins?

Proteins are most essential but very complex substances and needed for life to perform, they
are everywhere in all living species, from bacterias to plants, animals, and also humans, so from
layman, terms you can say life can not exist without them, or in other words, they are life. Our
the body is full of them, or best we can say we are made out of proteins,(1)

What they are made of?

These very complex bio-molecules are made of units, called amino acids, sometimes depending
on type of protein, these units can be from 2-to-few thousands, so for all said and done these
proteins are made of from other biomolecule units called amino acids, in very laymen terms
these proteins are made out of building blocks called amino acids.(2)

What are amino acids?

You can say they are building blocks of life or in other words proteins, our whole life is
functioning just because of them, hormones.,enzymes, antibodies almost all protein 
biomolecules are made out of them, and maybe they are the most important bio-material
from which our body is making,(3)

From where this word protein comes from?

In the early 19-th century, a Swedish scientist Berzelius gave this word, protein,
 in exactly1838, from the greek word proteios, whose exact meaning is
 holding first place means substances that are species-specific ,(4)

Proteins are very specific
-function specific

Where proteins are produced?

Only and only plants have the capacity to produce proteins, and this protein is produced
by a very famous process called photosynthesis, where carbon dioxide from air and
water, nitrogen, sulfur comes from the soil and of course  energy from sun-light, that
what only plants needs and in turn, they convert this all to proteins, which is needed by
animals and humans for their life

So, in all only plants produces these proteins which go to animals because they eat
plants and they give milk and meat to humans

Some times these plants are also used by humans as food that's what is the topic of this
blog and we are going to address this in detail in further posts.

What is photosynthesis?

In layman terms its name of a process by which plant produces proteins for us,or in other
term food for us, what plants need carbon. nitrogen, oxygen,sulphur which comes from
soil and air and energy from sun and what they give us from this process is food.,so you
can say this is the process which makes life to exist on planet earth, apart from any activity
whatever going on earth this is most and most important process of nature

Why proteins are so important?

This signal family of organic substances, on which our life depends on, the human body
its growth,its development,its function almost all aspects of day to day function or entirely
depends on this protein, so we just can not think without them
let's see

                   plant source of protein, photosynthesis

From where this protein comes to humans?

Proteins come from meat which comes from animals, also from milk, eggs, and some
 proteins also come from grains, seeds, nuts, fruits that are all from plants, there is also
 a small population that does not eat meat, we call them vegetarians and vegans, and for
 them, the only source of proteins are plants, and this blog is mostly dedicated to them
 and we can say its all about vegetarians protein or the proteins which can be best for 
 vegetarians and vegans

What are our objectives?

So., in this blog, plant source of protein, we are discussing all possible aspects
about, best plant proteins, and problems and solutions for those who  are for some
reasons do not eat meat, means for vegans, vegetarians, this is the only objective
we have and will try to do our best, and we hope our this effort will help someone


The Information Which Can Be Helpful To You

-your morning starts with COFFEE or TEA, why not just think of starting it
 with MATCHA which is much more healthy, and if you want to know more
 about it, then please visit our blog MATCHA FACTS

-Who does not want to be more smarter, more ahead in completion and
 for all these, you need a sharper brain for all this why not visit our

-Very few people aware of the possibility that food what they eat
  every day can create some adverse situation for them, and for this
  why not visit our blog GLUTEN-FREE DIET 

-If you want to maintain your weight or want to shed your extra few
 kgs, then visit our blog KETOGENIC DIET FACT

-Hair Fall is a difficult stressful situation, and we are providing
  a best possible solution for this hair fall management, so if you
  are interested, then why not get benefits from our blog